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What No One Tells You About Making Extra Money Online

  Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to make money online? The answer is yes, but is it easy? Not at all. Recently, I embarked on a journey to try to earn some extra money online, and what I found was a sea of promises and illusions. A quick search on Google or YouTube about “making extra money online” brings up thousands of results full of promises of ease and speed. But in practice, my experience was quite different. I found various ways to try to make money online: videos, shorts, and lives on TikTok, producing videos for monetization on YouTube, creating e-books or coloring books, blogging, affiliating with digital products, freelance jobs, sites that promise earnings through microtasks, clicks, watching videos, gamer streaming, creating Instagram models, betting, and many others. What did I discover? First of all, it’s not as quick or simple as they sell it to be. Many of these “opportunities” are actually scams. Totally fake. Moreover, they often just aim to collect your...
Postagens recentes

The Hobbit | Book Review (English Version)

  When I picked up The Hobbit for the first time, I didn’t imagine how much this reading would captivate me. Written by J.R.R. Tolkien , the book is a true gem of fantasy literature. The story follows Bilbo Baggins, a peaceful hobbit who finds himself involved in an epic adventure alongside dwarves and a wizard. And honestly, it’s one of the most exciting journeys I’ve ever read. It all starts when Gandalf, the wizard, shows up at Bilbo’s door with an irresistible proposal. Initially reluctant, Bilbo eventually agrees and joins a group of dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield. They set out in search of the treasure guarded by the dragon Smaug in the Lonely Mountain. The change in Bilbo’s life is drastic and engaging, and from there, the action never stops. Along the way, Bilbo and his companions face incredible challenges. From hungry trolls to treacherous goblins, each encounter is a test of courage and cunning. One of the most electrifying moments is when Bilbo meets Gollum and find...

"Nerd" by Érico Borgo: A Tribute to Geek Culture | Book Review (English Version)

  As a self-proclaimed nerd and lifelong fan of geek culture, I was thrilled to dive into “Nerd” by Érico Borgo. This book is a heartfelt tribute to the world of geeks and nerds, exploring the myriad ways in which our passions shape our lives. Borgo, co-founder of Omelete, one of Brazil’s largest entertainment websites, brings his deep understanding and love for pop culture to the forefront in this engaging and insightful book. Embracing Nerdom: A Personal Journey “Nerd” isn’t just a book, it’s an experience. From the moment I opened it, I was transported back to my own journey through the realms of sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and gaming. Borgo begins by sharing his personal story, recounting how he grew up immersed in the world of superheroes, video games, and blockbuster movies. His narrative is both relatable and inspiring, reminding us that being a nerd is about embracing what we love unapologetically. Borgo’s writing style is conversational and inviting, making it easy for r...

The Psychology of Money | Book Review (English Version)

  If you’re looking for an innovative perspective on personal finance, the book “Financial Psychology” is a must-read. Morgan Housel takes us on a fascinating journey that challenges our conventional notions about money and how we handle it. From the outset, it’s clear that the author has a powerful message to share: dealing with money goes far beyond numbers and calculations. It’s about behavior, values, and the relationship we have with money in our lives. Housel reminds us that it’s not just about how much we earn, but rather how we think and act in relation to money. One of the main lessons of the book is that small changes in our financial behavior can have a significant impact on our lives. By recognizing and modifying our thought patterns, we can make financial progress and make smarter choices for the future. Housel’s writing style is captivating and accessible, making even the most complex concepts easy to understand. He employs a didactic approach, full of examples and en...

A Psicologia Financeira | Book Review

  Se você está em busca de uma perspectiva inovadora sobre finanças pessoais, o livro “Psicologia Financeira” é uma leitura obrigatória. Morgan Housel nos leva a uma jornada fascinante que desafia nossas concepções convencionais sobre o dinheiro e como lidamos com ele. Desde o início, fica claro que o autor tem uma mensagem poderosa para compartilhar: lidar com dinheiro vai muito além de números e cálculos. É sobre comportamento, valores e a relação que temos com o dinheiro em nossas vidas. Housel nos lembra que não se trata apenas de quanto ganhamos, mas sim de como pensamos e agimos em relação ao dinheiro. Uma das principais lições do livro é que pequenas mudanças em nosso comportamento financeiro podem ter um impacto significativo em nossas vidas. Ao reconhecer e modificar nossos padrões de pensamento, podemos progredir financeiramente e fazer escolhas mais inteligentes para o futuro. O estilo de escrita de Housel é cativante e acessível, tornando até mesmo os conceitos mais com...

The Witcher Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski | Book Review (English Version)

  If you’re a fan of Netflix’s The Witcher series and craving more adventures of the witcher Geralt of Rivia , get ready to dive headfirst into Time of Contempt , the fourth book in Andrzej Sapkowski ’s series. This book is a true delight for fantasy lovers, bringing an engaging narrative full of twists and turns that will keep you glued to the pages. Sapkowski continues to treat us with his direct and fluid style, full of sarcasm, humor, and enthusiasm, making us devour each chapter in search of more. One of the great insights of this volume is the way the author develops the relationships between the main characters. The rekindling of Geralt and Yennefer’s relationship, as well as the creation of bonds between Yennefer and Ciri, add emotional layers to the plot, making it richer and more intriguing. Furthermore, Sapkowski treats us to a fantastic world full of witchers, sorceresses, kings, elves, dwarves, mages, and monsters, each playing a crucial role in the plot. The politica...

The Witcher - Tempo de Desprezo por Andrzej Sapkowski | Book Review

  Se você é fã da série The Witcher da Netflix e está sedento por mais aventuras do bruxo Geralt de Rívia, prepare-se para mergulhar de cabeça em Tempo do Desprezo , o quarto livro da série de Andrzej Sapkowski. Este livro é um verdadeiro deleite para os amantes de fantasia, trazendo uma narrativa envolvente e cheia de reviravoltas que vão te deixar grudado às páginas. Sapkowski continua nos presenteando com seu estilo direto e fluido, repleto de sarcasmo, humor e entusiasmo, que nos fazem devorar cada capítulo em busca de mais. Uma das grandes sacadas deste volume é a forma como o autor desenvolve as relações entre os personagens principais. A reaproximação de Geralt e Yennefer, assim como a criação de laços entre Yennefer e Ciri, adicionam camadas emocionais à trama, tornando-a mais rica e intrigante. Além disso, Sapkowski nos brinda com um mundo fantástico repleto de bruxos, feiticeiras, reis, elfos, anões, magos e monstros, cada um desempenhando um papel crucial na trama. As t...